Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sonic & Mega Man: September 2013

Yeah, I'm a fan of both Mega Man and Sonic, so the Archie comics are always on my "To Read" list. I'll be covering them every month.

Sonic the Hedgehog #252
“A New Lease On Life”

Well, we'll start with the newest issue of Sonic the Hedgehog, and here is the major game changer. Anyone who's been following the news on the comic knows about the Penders lawsuit, and this one is where it hits the fan. None of Penders's characters exist anymore, retconned out of existence thanks to Worlds Collide. I knew it would happen, but I was kind of hoping they would still continue the storyline. Sadly not.

Nagus is no longer in Geoffrey's body, and he just ditches the kingdom, though he seems to be back to suffering near insanity. Since Robo-Robotnik was technically a Penders character, he's been merged with the original Robotnik. I hope they do something similar with Scourge/Evil Sonic, since he’s the only Penders created character I care about. Sally is no longer roboticized, making the whole Silver plotline an entire waste of time. King Max is healthy again. Silver is apparently on speaking terms with the rest of the cast. And Sonic and Tails re-enter fighting the Tails Doll.

I'm not saying much now, since the problem with a comic is you have to wait to see where it's going, but this doesn't bode well. It essentially nullifies the last two years and makes it pointless (well, four years... that’s how long ago Silver came announcing a traitor).. I guess there's nothing for it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Maybe this is for the best, we'll see.

And Sally's redesign looked weird to me. But I'll get used to it.

Sonic Universe #56
“Pirate Plunder Panic Part 2”

I was looking forward to this. Blaze is reunited with Amy and Cream, Bean and Bark return as antagonists, and the Big Bad is a Metal Sonic remade into Captain Metal. Seeing these characters made me think of the laughs in the “Treasure Team Tango” arc, but this one aims more for drama.

So far Captain Metal hasn't really made an impression on me as a villain. We find out his origin a bit more here, but right now he’s your typical power hungry villain, with a pirate motif. There is a bit of sadism to him, telling his minion to wait and drop Blaze and Amy just as they get free There’s the revelation that he’s found and rebuilt the Wily Egg, but we’ll have to wait and see there.

Bean and Bark are not as hilarious here as they were the last time I saw them, but maybe that’s because they don’t really get a chance to shine here. At the end, they double cross Metal for the Sol Emerald, leading to some possibilities for humor. I got a better feel that they were villains here than before, where Bean seemed to just be an idiot and Bark his silently suffering caretaker.

Mega Man #29
“The Curse of Ra Moon: Part One: Bad Moon Rising”

A year and four months into the comic, we’re finally getting around to Mega Man 3, and combining it with the Japan-only Super Adventure Rockman to boot. I think this was a good move. I love this comic, but when they directly adapted the first two games, everything went by too quick. This had several issues of lead in, letting the pacing be better.

There’s a feeling of hopelessness here. Ra Moon has deactivated all the world’s electronics, and society’s falling apart. I do not think this is too far fetched. Whenever my internet goes out, I find myself at a loss on how to do things, so I can buy society getting this dependent, if they’re not already.

Proto Man... I’m wondering exactly what’s going to happen with him. World’s Collide seems to hint he and Dr. Light never fully reconcile, even after Mega Man 10. I’m worried as to how paranoid he has to be not to trust Dr. Light after having everything explained to him. Still, he’s already having doubts about Wily. I’m wondering if it’s here or Mega Man 4 he truly switches sides.

Once again, the other Robot Masters act as Mega Man’s back up, this time Cuts Man, Guts Man, and Bomb Man. A wise move, not using all six. And Plant Man appears three games ahead of schedule, but it’s just a cameo, unfortunately. I’m worried that there are two sets of Robot Masters that Mega Man has to deal with, as I don’t want the fights going by too quick... or maybe this will lead into the true Mega Man 3 adaptation.

Wily’s seems to be slipping in sanity, an interesting subplot. Ra Thor looks a lot like Bass, and for a moment I thought he was, until I checked and saw he was a SAR character. I love how Ian digs deep into the Mega Man lore for this comic.

All in all, looking good, and I’m looking forward to October.

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